www.wolvercotenf.org.uk wolvercotenf@gmail.com APPLICATIONS FOR FINANCING PROJECTS FROM CIL (COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE LEVY) IN THE WOLVERCOTE NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN AREA. Autumn 2024 – Guidance notes INTRODUCTION After approval of the Wolvercote Neighbourhood Plan (the Plan) in Spring 2020, 25% of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funds are allocated to the Wolvercote Neighbourhood Forum. The Community Infrastructure Levy is payable by a developer from the start of the development and assessed on the whole development, not just on the housing. The amount assessed depends on the volume and type of development taking place in the Plan area. CIL funds are collected and held by Oxford City Council. The Forum and the Ward Councillors will be notified how much has been collected. WHAT KIND OF PROJECTS CAN BE FUNDED BY CIL? * Projects funded by the neighbourhood portion of CIL must benefit the community as a whole. * Projects will be expected to meet the objectives set out in the Neighbourhood Plan. * Projects should seek to mitigate the impact of development on the area (for example, the increased demand for community facilities, or the loss of amenity). * Projects must give value for money. * CIL funds cannot be used for feasibility studies. * Funds can only be used for capital expenditure, not for staffing or maintenance, but they can be used to pay for consultants’ fees at the discretion of the WNF Steering Committee. Examples of projects funded in other areas: traffic-calming measures, such as speed cushions or bumps; solar panels on community buildings; equipment for community centres; refurbishment of community buildings; tree planting; landscaping public spaces; benches. See also, for comparison, the allocations made in earlier rounds, and the applications and decisions made by the Summertown and St Margaret’s Neighbourhood Forum. APPLICATION PROCESS The purpose of the award of CIL funding is to benefit and enhance public spaces in the Wolvercote Neighbourhood Forum area for residents and workers. Preference will be given to proposals that: * add to what already exists * provide new facilities * enhance the welfare of the widest number of the residential population and assist deprived sections of the population. It will be the responsibility of the Neighbourhood Forum Steering Committee to review and assess applications and make recommendations. Supported applications will be forwarded to the City Council for CIL funding. Sums greater than £10,000 will require a minimum of two quotations and the approval of the City’s Head of Planning. DETAILS OF THE AUTUMN 2024 ROUND OF APPLICATIONS All applications for funding will be processed in accordance with the application timetable and must be supported by a complete project description. Applications will be published on the WNF website and comments invited. Applicants will be required to demonstrate that the proposal has the support of local people. These might include: residents’s associations, groups such as the Commoners’ Committee, local businesses, immediate neighbours, and statutory authorities. The WNF Steering Committee is happy to offer advice on the application process: email wolvercotenf@gmail.com The timetable for this round’s applications: * Deadline for project application submissions: 16 September 2024 * Applications will be published for public comment: 7 October 2024 * Deadline for public comments to be submitted: 24 October 2024 * Final consideration by WNF: 5 November 2024 * Approval for funding of approved projects: 11 November 2024 Decision outcomes will be: 1. Project is approved, as applied for. 2. Project is not approved due to lack of funding in this round, but will be carried forward to the next round, with modifications if the applicants wish. 3. Project is not approved due to failure to meet one or more criteria; the project could be resubmitted after modification to the next round if the applicants wish. 4. Project is not approved due to failure to meet one or more criteria, and is thought unlikely to find CIL funding in future rounds. All decisions by the WNF Steering Committee will be recorded to produce an audit trail. If funding is approved, WNF Steering Committee will nominate a member as project liaison who will be responsible for monitoring the project, including the management of expenditure and the submission of invoices to the City Council for payment. WNF is committed to ensuring this process is transparent, and applicants will be kept informed throughout.  Any Steering Committee member who has a potential conflict of interest involving a particular application will be excluded from the decision-making process for that application. Applications should be submitted to: wolvercotenf@gmail.com