Coming soon! Join us at our Open Meeting and 2023 AGM to be held on 7 November, at 7.30pm, at Wolvercote Village Hall. Further details will be posted and made available of the WNF website shortly.
Author Archives: wnfadmin
Autumn 2023 Community Projects CIL Funding Round
The application process is open for the autumn round of funding for community projects in the Wolvercote Neighbourhood Forum area.
Funds come from the the neighbourhood portion of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
The deadline for applications is the 18th September 2023
For more information, see:
Wolvercote Neighbourhood Forum’s Public Meeting:
Wednesday 7 June, 7.45pm at Cutteslowe Community Centre, Wren Road, Oxford, OX2 7SX
All residents of Cutteslowe and Wolvercote are welcome!
Get up to date and have your say on topics of local interest:
Community facilities
Cutteslowe Community Centre
Plan for a new community space at Wolvercote Mill
Community projects: money is available!
The Oxford North development – currently under way
The St Frideswide housing development – currently under way
The proposed Water Eaton housing development
Wolvercote Neighbourhood Forum wants to hear your views.
CIL Round 3 – shortlist
Thirteen applications for CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) funding of Community Projects were received for consideration of the Steering Committee on 14th April 2023.
The Steering Committee discussed these on 25th April and it has been agreed that seven projects appear to meet the application criteria and can now be presented to the neighbourhood community for consideration.
The projects are as follows:
1. Coffee machine for The White Hart Community Pub in Wolvercote
2. Wolvercote Community Farm roof project
3. Purchase of a powered scythe mower to cut the grass on Wolvercote Green
4. Festival bench for Lower Wolvercote Green
5. White Hart Community Pub CCTV
6. Refurbishment to Wolvercote Young People’s Club to enhance community services
7. Furniture for Wolvercote Community Hub
More information is at:
Please send your comments (including messages of support or otherwise) to by noon on Tuesday 16th May to enable the steering committee to approve the successful projects prior to formal confirmation at the end of May.
WNF Steering Committee 2023
Christopher Hardman has resigned from the Steering Committee due to illness, from which he has now fortunately recovered. He had been on the committee since the Forum’s inaugural meeting in mid-2012 and Chair since August 2014. We are most grateful to him for his dedication and leadership. Paul Buckley. is taking his place as Chair until our next AGM.
There have also been some other changes in the Steering Committee membership: see here for more details.
CIL Funding Round 3
Proposals are now invited for the third round of Community Projects funded by the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). The purpose of the award of CIL funding is to benefit and enhance public spaces in the Wolvercote Neighbourhood Forum area for residents and workers.
Deadline for project application submissions: 14 April 2023
Applications will be published for public comment: 27 April 2023
Deadline for public comments to be submitted: 9 May 2023
Final consideration by WNF: 16 May 2023
Approval for funding of approved projects: End of May 2023
For more details see:
CIL Funding round 2 – decisions.
Seven applications for the second round of CIL-funded projects were received. The decisions and recommendations set out below are the unanimous decisions of the Steering Committee at the meeting on 1 November 2022.
- Gazebos/Event Shelters for the Wolvercote and Wytham Midsummer Festival (view application); £1040: Recommended
- Wolvercote Bells Video Downlink. (view application) This is a valuable teaching tool for new and existing ringers and supporting a traditional activity. £3546.94: Recommended
- Lower Wolvercote Playground improvement (view application): It is accepted that this is necessary but a decision on expenditure depends on a detailed plan.
- A replacement cooker for the Monday Lunch Club (view application). Cost of up to £875 Recommended
- Wolvercote Local History Society, (view application).Funding for the restoration of John Rowland’s portrait was approved in Round 1. but a new restorer had to be found and an additional £824 was required. Recommended
- Cutteslowe Community Centre Kitchen Refurbishment. (view application) The Centre is not in the Neighbourhood Plan area but right on the boundary and serves people in the plan area. What is sought is a contribution to an expensive refit for which the majority of funds have been secured. A decision is pending subject to the provision of another quotation for this part of the proposed work as required by the conditions set out in the application form.
- The Wolvercote Young People’s Club.(view application): The Steering Committee is very appreciative and supportive of the work done by the club but very concerned both about the building and the conditions of the lease. At this stage £6,000 is recommended for fire doors to ensure fire safety.
WNF Open Meeting 14th November
There will be an Open Meeting, for all Residents of the Wolvercote Neighbourhood Forum Area. at 7.30-9.30pm on Monday 14th November in Wolvercote Village Hall.
The meeting will cover:
- Presentation of WNF’s activities;
- Discussion of Local Plan;
- Discussion of Current and Future Community Projects;
- AGM: Election of Forum Officers & the Steering Committee.
More details and an Agenda will be posted shortly at
CIL Funding Round 2 – update
Two further applications have been received, and the deadline for comments has been extended to 31st October. The additional proposals are:
- Cutteslowe Community Centre Kitchen Refurbishment
- Wolvercote Young People’s Centre Winter-proofing
See for more details.
CIL Funding Round 2 – Applications received.
Five applications for the second round of CIL-funded projects were received.
- Gazebos/Event Shelters for Wolvercote and Wytham Midsummer Festival activities ;
- Wolvercote Bells Video Downlink;
- Lower Wolvercote Playground improvement;
- Cooker for Wolvercote Monday Lunch Club;
- John Rowland’s portrait: additional funding request.
Comments are now invited (by 21st October 2022) to assist the WNF committee in making funding recommendations for these projects.
For more information, see here.