Having established the key issues through public meetings, the Forum has formulated objectives from which it has created planning policies (the Draft Plan) to work alongside Oxford City Council‘s strategic policies (for example, the Oxford Core Strategy, the Northern Gateway Area Action Plan and the Sites and Housing Development Plan Document). All these policies will enable the City Council to make judgments in the determination of planning applications.
Also the Forum is involved in ongoing discussions with the planning authorities about the proposed local Development Sites. It is especially addressing the issues of transport, flooding and pollution.
The Forum has:
- joined the Oxfordshire Neighbourhood Planning Association and is liaising with the Headington and Summertown neighbourhood forums.
- jointly sponsored an information display board at Godstow Abbey.
- organized joint public meetings with the City and County Councils about Oxford North.
- discussed plans with Oxford University and CALA Homes for the development of the Wolvercote Paper Mill site.
- interacted with the City Council over the development at Elsfield Hall, which has now been given planning consent.
- written a Transport Report as part of the Plan which has already been used to inform the Forum’s response to proposed developments in the Area.
- in 2015 sent out a questionnaire to all the residents of the Area to elicit their views about housing and the community; in 2017 provided an on-line questionnaire to elicit views on the Draft Plan.