Summer Public Meeting, Weds. 10th July

The nest WNF Public Meeting will be at 7.45 pm on Weds. 10th July at the Cutteslowe Community Centre, Wren Rd., OX2 7RX.

Please come along to hear the latest information and to discuss where money for now community projects should go, new community facilities, and local building developments.

CIL Funding Spring 2024 Round

Longlist of applications

Sixteen applications for CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) funding of Community Projects have been received for consideration of the Steering Committee.
The Steering Committee discussed these on 17th April and it was agreed that all but one of the projects can go ahead, subject where applicable to the submission of two quotations for the work per project, and subject to the agreement of the neighbourhood community.

The projects are now listed on the WNF website at for the neighbourhood community to consider.
Please send your comments on any or all of these to by 15th May 2024.

Have your say on current major planning applications

Two big public consultations are under way at present, on which you might wish to make comments to the planning authorities.

Planning Application to Oxford City Council for development of 24 new homes in the field behind Goose Green Close in Wolvercote. Deadline for responses is 15 March 2024.

Planning application from Oxford United Football Club to Cherwell District Council to build a 16,000-seater football stadium on The Triangle near Kidlington roundabout.
Deadline for responses is 22 April 2024.

See the WNF webpages for more information.

CIL Funding Autumn 2023 – Shortlist

Nine applications for CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) funding of Community Projects were received for consideration of the Steering Committee on 18th September 2023.
The Steering Committee discussed these on 20th September and it was agreed that all the projects meet the application criteria, subject where applicable to the submission of two quotations for the work per project.  The projects are listed below for the neighbourhood community to consider before final decisions are made on 17th October.

For further details, see .

  • Wolvercote Primary SEND shepherd’s hut
  • Disabled toilet refurbishment (Wolvercote Village Hall)
  • Metal feet for new equipment in Lower Wolvercote Playground
  • Vacuum Cleaner for Wolvercote Monday Lunch Club
  • Noticeboard opposite the Village Hall (Wolvercote Commoners’ Committee)
  • Cutteslowe Community Centre cinema
  • Installation of external fire doors (Wolvercote Young People’s Club)
  • Public EV charger installation (Wolvercote Young People’s Club)
  • White Hart Community Pub – Kitchen Upgrade Phase II

Wolvercote Neighbourhood Forum’s Public Meeting:

Wednesday 7 June, 7.45pm at Cutteslowe Community Centre, Wren Road, Oxford, OX2 7SX

All residents of Cutteslowe and Wolvercote are welcome!

Get up to date and have your say on topics of local interest:

Community facilities

Cutteslowe Community Centre

Plan for a new community space at Wolvercote Mill

Community projects: money is available!

The Oxford North development – currently under way

The St Frideswide housing development – currently under way

The proposed Water Eaton housing development

Wolvercote Neighbourhood Forum wants to hear your views.

CIL Round 3 – shortlist

Thirteen applications for CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) funding of Community Projects were received for consideration of the Steering Committee on 14th April 2023.

The Steering Committee discussed these on 25th April and it has been agreed that seven projects appear to meet the application criteria and can now be presented to the neighbourhood community for consideration.

The projects are as follows:

1. Coffee machine for The White Hart Community Pub in Wolvercote
2. Wolvercote Community Farm roof project
3. Purchase of a powered scythe mower to cut the grass on Wolvercote Green
4. Festival bench for Lower Wolvercote Green
5. White Hart Community Pub CCTV
6. Refurbishment to Wolvercote Young People’s Club to enhance community services
7. Furniture for Wolvercote Community Hub

More information is at:

Please send your comments (including messages of support or otherwise) to by noon on Tuesday 16th May to enable the steering committee to approve the successful projects prior to formal confirmation at the end of May.

WNF Steering Committee 2023

Christopher Hardman has resigned from the Steering Committee due to illness, from which he has now fortunately recovered. He had been on the committee since the Forum’s inaugural meeting in mid-2012 and Chair since August 2014. We are most grateful to him for his dedication and leadership. Paul Buckley. is taking his place as Chair until our next AGM.
There have also been some other changes in the Steering Committee membership: see here for more details.