CIL Round 3 – shortlist

Thirteen applications for CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) funding of Community Projects were received for consideration of the Steering Committee on 14th April 2023.

The Steering Committee discussed these on 25th April and it has been agreed that seven projects appear to meet the application criteria and can now be presented to the neighbourhood community for consideration.

The projects are as follows:

1. Coffee machine for The White Hart Community Pub in Wolvercote
2. Wolvercote Community Farm roof project
3. Purchase of a powered scythe mower to cut the grass on Wolvercote Green
4. Festival bench for Lower Wolvercote Green
5. White Hart Community Pub CCTV
6. Refurbishment to Wolvercote Young People’s Club to enhance community services
7. Furniture for Wolvercote Community Hub

More information is at:

Please send your comments (including messages of support or otherwise) to by noon on Tuesday 16th May to enable the steering committee to approve the successful projects prior to formal confirmation at the end of May.